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Mídias sociais

Reality has a surprising amount of detail

Before you’ve noticed important details they are, of course, basically invisible. It’s hard to put your attention on them because you don’t even know what you’re looking for. But after you see them they quickly become so integrated into your intuitive models of the world that they become essentially transparent. Do you remember the insights that were crucial in learning to ride a bike or drive? How about the details and insights you have that led you to be good at the things you’re good at?

This means it’s really easy to get stuck. Stuck in your current way of seeing and thinking about things. Frames are made out of the details that seem important to you. The important details you haven’t noticed are invisible to you, and the details you have noticed seem completely obvious and you see right through them. This all makes makes it difficult to imagine how you could be missing something important.

Yet another text close to the fields of chaos, complexity and cybernetics. The world is huge, full of details and it’s easy to get stuck with our own worldviews, so reassured that we already thought it all over that we can’t possibly be wrong. Related to black swan events.