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Mídias sociais

Openness and Longevity

If I have to make a choice, I’m betting on web standards and a good solid working foundation. Open. Shareable. Universal. Flexible. Reliable. Approachable. It’s like the African proverb:

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

The web is the quintessential definition of together. Web standards evolve slowly because they’re collaborative. They last because they’re scrutinized. New front-end frameworks and technologies try to circumvent or route around that process in the name of moving faster. Sometimes, they surface great ideas that make their way into browsers. But more often than not, they fade away.

Me lembrou o pitch que fiz outro dia pela Web: as plataformas proprietárias desbravam e as abertas consolidam. Proprietárias morrem, abertas chegam tarde. A escolha é sua.